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What we're saying


Our Work: JA Facial Atelier

When we first spoke with Joanna at Facial Atelier it started as a simple request for some website copy.

Little did we know we were being tested! After an initial call with Joanna herself to really get to know the company and mission; we completed the work, sent over for approval, and were looking forward to the next ad-hoc task to come through (we don’t explicitly work on a retainer basis if that doesn’t suit your business - we can be as flexible as you like!).

Joanna got back in touch to say how impressed she was, and how many other agencies at fallen at the first hurdle for not *truly* understanding what the brand was about. You see, JA Facial Atelier want to turn the industry on its head, and cut through the noise to give honest, upfront and easily digestible info around their new product ranges - sans any talk of miracle cures or the use of hidden and horrible chemicals. We took the time to understand that was important, and it paid off.

Before meeting the team at Rose + Penguin we’d really struggled to find an agency or freelancer who took the time to properly understand our brand and mission. These guys just ‘get it’
— Joanna Armaghani, Founder - JA Facial Atelier

From there, in order to make sure Joanna didn’t have a similar problem again when it came to working with a third party, we suggested an informal workshop with the team to help define their messaging - both internally, and for how they wanted to communicate with their customers too. We then used this document to help create the new range’s product packaging, new website copy, marketing materials, copy for social, and plenty more - essentially, it’s helped to form the basis of how JA Facial Atelier communicates across the board.

It’s a really worthwhile piece of work we’d suggest to any business who hasn’t gone through this process already.

The Rose + Penguin team were able to help us dissect our messaging and remould our positioning through a creative but forensic approach to copywriting
— Joanna Armaghani, Founder - JA Facial Atelier

We work across technical product copywriting, out-of-home advertising, SEO, website and just about any form of copy work you can think of - and are also happy to work on whatever basis best suits your business; so if you do have a piece of work or project you’re looking to outsource, get in touch!

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